ESG Would Rain on Spring Break
Americans have access to abundant, reliable energy, unlike Europeans under strict climate mandates.

The American Dream Is Not a Coin Flip, and Wages Have Not Stagnated
This paper challenges the prevailing narrative that stagnant wages are causing the American dream to fade. It contrasts subjective public opinion with revised objective intergenerational mobility measures.

Political Economy and the Rise of Commercial Humanism
Western attitudes toward commerce have transformed from early moral condemnation to a modern appreciation that sees trade as socially beneficial.

Rational Nondelegation
The nondelegation doctrine, which forbids Congress from transferring excessive power to the executive branch, has risen from the dead.

The American Dream Is Not a Coin Flip, and Wages Have Not Stagnated
This paper challenges the prevailing narrative that stagnant wages are causing the American dream to fade. It contrasts subjective public opinion with revised objective intergenerational mobility measures.

Political Economy and the Rise of Commercial Humanism
Western attitudes toward commerce have transformed from early moral condemnation to a modern appreciation that sees trade as socially beneficial.
Why Failure-to-Market Claims Are Preempted Under Federal Law
A California appellate court invented out of whole cloth a new and troubling theory of tort liability.

These Mayors Understand How to Run a City
Armed with common sense policies, three urban leaders are fighting a patient battle against chaos.

Dynamism and Stagnation: An Outlook
Flexibility and responsiveness are particularly important during periods of shock.
Long Distance Migration as a Two-Step Sorting Process: The Resettlement of Californians in Texas
Here we press the question of whether the well-documented stream of migrants relocating from California to Texas has been sufficient to alter the political complexion of the destination state.

Rational Nondelegation
The nondelegation doctrine, which forbids Congress from transferring excessive power to the executive branch, has risen from the dead.

Challenging the Claremont View of Birthright Citizenship
Questions for my friends at the Claremont Institute on the 14th Amendment.
Charles Kesler’s Struggle for the Founders’ Constitution
Charles Kesler’s defense of the American Founding from its critics on the left and right alike can help us recover our most cherished principles.

Trump Has Launched a Necessary Fight Over the President’s Spending Discretion
Whether he realizes it or not, he could help restore the system the Founders envisioned.

California’s Housing Problems Require a Better Solution than Densify, Densify, Densify
California’s mounting housing problem requires more alternatives, especially for people seeking lower rents and affordable single-family houses.