Watch recordings of past public lectures and other events hosted by Civitas.

The American Dream Is Not a Coin Flip, and Wages Have Not Stagnated
This paper challenges the prevailing narrative that stagnant wages are causing the American dream to fade. It contrasts subjective public opinion with revised objective intergenerational mobility measures.

Political Economy and the Rise of Commercial Humanism
Western attitudes toward commerce have transformed from early moral condemnation to a modern appreciation that sees trade as socially beneficial.

Rational Nondelegation
The nondelegation doctrine, which forbids Congress from transferring excessive power to the executive branch, has risen from the dead.
Liberal Democracy Reexamined: Leo Strauss on Alexis de Tocqueville
This article explores Leo Strauss’s thoughts on Alexis de Tocqueville in his 1954 “Natural Right” course transcript.

Estimating the Productivity of Community Colleges in Paving the Road To Four-Year College Success
Despite a relatively rich literature on the community college pathway, the research base on the quality differences between these institutions has been decidedly thin.

Ignore the Bluster – Donald Trump Is Not an Imperialist
MAGA foreign policy is driven by a haunting sense of America’s vulnerability and decline.

Solzhenitsyn’s One Word of Truth
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn's lectures stretch from 1972 to 1997, yet the perennial themes and ideas explored by Solzhenitsyn command the contemporary reader’s full attention.
Congress Must Shield US Companies from European Regulations
Congress should exercise its constitutional powers over foreign commerce to guard American companies against overregulation by the European Union.

The Land of Fear and Awe
Taylor Sheridan’s new series, Landman, is a welcome aesthetic expression of the human experience in the rough industry of oil exploration and drilling.