ESG Would Rain on Spring Break
Americans have access to abundant, reliable energy, unlike Europeans under strict climate mandates.
It’s spring-break time. More than one-third of Americans will drive, fly or cruise somewhere over the next few weeks. For families, it’s a more popular travel time than Memorial Day, Independence Day or Labor Day, with nearly half of all households with children taking a trip. Nearly five million travelers will pass through Dallas Fort Worth Airport alone during the 19-day stretch that started on March 6.
Wherever they travel, Americans can be thankful for abundant, reliable energy. Imagine what spring break would look like under European-style ESG climate mandates.
Start with the cost of filling up the tank before a road trip. According to AAA, the national average gasoline price is $3.09 a gallon. In the U.K., France and Italy, gas costs between $6.50 and $7.50 a gallon as a result of high taxes and climate policies.
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