Through original, empirical research, we seek to better understand the nature of individual, economic, and political liberty.

The American Dream Is Not a Coin Flip, and Wages Have Not Stagnated
This paper challenges the prevailing narrative that stagnant wages are causing the American dream to fade. It contrasts subjective public opinion with revised objective intergenerational mobility measures.

Political Economy and the Rise of Commercial Humanism
Western attitudes toward commerce have transformed from early moral condemnation to a modern appreciation that sees trade as socially beneficial.

Ignore the Bluster – Donald Trump Is Not an Imperialist
MAGA foreign policy is driven by a haunting sense of America’s vulnerability and decline.
Congress Must Shield US Companies from European Regulations
Congress should exercise its constitutional powers over foreign commerce to guard American companies against overregulation by the European Union.

An M.I.A. Congress Exacerbates the Clash Between Trump and the Courts
Congress has to step up and take some responsibility for the shaping of public policy.

Understanding the Effect of Abortion Attitudes on Elections After Dobbs: Evidence from Cross-Sectional and Panel Surveys in Texas
Tocqueville’s Defense of Aristocratic Literature
The Surge of the Small Donorate in U.S. Elections: A View from Texas Statewide Campaigns.”
Campaign Ads and the Differences Between Soliciting Donations and Mobilizing Volunteers
Extreme Pricing Goes Viral: Lessons for Teaching Price Controls
Civic Thought: A Proposal for University-Level Civic Education